What are the normal installation standards for KBK rails crane?

| What are the normal installation standards for KBK rails crane?

What are the normal installation standards for KBK rails crane?
2021-01-15 13:34

In the track adoption process, bolts play a key role in fixing. If there is a problem with the anchor screw, the consequences will be unimaginable.
Therefore, we must remind everyone that the selection and installation of bolts must be cautious. Normally,
The bolt grade cannot be less than 8.8, and on some nodes that need special reinforcement, it must be decided according to the actual situation whether to install general bolts or install double nut bolts.
In the end, it must be reminded everyone that after all the anchor screws are installed, the inspection work must be done well to avoid the loosening of the local nuts during the installation work.
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